Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Measuring My Height

It's my birthday night. It's certainly a great day existed to prove us how people around us concern and love us, and also a way for them to show their love and creativity, yeaa, CREATIVITY ! My family and friends tried out all their best and their efforts and these do made my day :)

Some posted on my wall; some called me up to greet me even if he hardly do this (that's my dad!); some wrote something warm for me; some text me oversea... And notable one was, my mom tagged me a birthday greeting video in facebook and she said she tried to learn something new. Awesome! I treasure you guys, absolutely. 

Don't actually wanna record negative matter on this memorable sweet day, but still I think it's better if I could note this here. I suppose you're under stress. I don't expect anything from you for my birthday, as well as your stress. Never know it could bring me down after all. I don't wanna leave any unpleasant memory between us, somehow I suppose there's necessary for me to write it here rather than ignore the problem, else you would never know what's happening. This brought me kind of down, with my tears down too, you got this correct in the phone call. This reminded me the question you asked me this noon:I  just have this assumption that if at this point I do hurt you, you will cry right?

I tend to think non-sense due to the insecure. Stop. No way. I should have look at the brighter side as everyone put so much efforts on me today, I gonna think positively for the sake of my family and friends. I'm kind of "easily-touched" one. And they touched me times today. Still, I have a wonderful 22nd birthday.

And one more, before I forget, Superwoman and Santa Claus aren't fairy tales! lol! 

Noticed this under my blanket in the midnight; from two superwomen, saying this is aiding to rescue my butt !
Two santa ladies granted my unconscious-birthday-wish to have this as birthday present xD
Who are the two Santa Ladies?
Trick and Treat lunch as the birthday celebration
Blow off the candle and your wishes would be granted (either in your bag or under your blanket)
Abby Hui Ping and Mitchell, birthday girls
Yesss, please bear in mind that 22 still we consider them as GIRL.

Mitchell the DBKK


Up up Sarawakian!

Today's Mitchell: "Birthday" is the gift from God which teach me to count on His grace thoughtfully as He will never let me down.

Monday, April 11, 2011


停了好一阵日子,今早因为没水源供应,我无法正常作息去上课,空出了时间在这里写两句。早上的灵修题为:不要回望。金句:保罗写到:“弟兄们,我不 是以为自己已经得着了;我只做一件事,就是忘记背后,努力追求面前的,向着标竿直跑,为要得上帝在基督耶稣里从上面招我来得的奖赏。”(腓三:13-14 节)不短的两句,可是一点也不陌生,之前参加《标竿四十》的活动,常常接触这两句。但是每一次读的时候,都有不同的感触和得着。  

今早就对“忘记背后,努力追求面前”有新的想法。常常我都会把生活的大小事、与家人同学朋友间的相处之道,与所学的,互相做联系;但是对于感情方面,我总是 倾向于“靠自己理智,凭自己感觉”行事。因此我大便吃得还挺不少,因为跌得狗吃屎嘛。。跌跌撞撞之间,多多少少都学会一些基本道理,但是若不回去参考圣 经,恐怕我还得继续吃大便。  


曾经有一位年纪稍长的男性朋友,就提醒了我,叫我把过去都放下。我说我放了,他说我没忘记;他说我怎么还在提他,我说分手了就不能做朋友吗?对!就是这里, 我把人家当朋友,但是人家可不是这么想的,我发现自己连个陌生人都不是了我。这位朋友在我有意无意提到前男友的时候,都会表现得很生气反感,或许他误会前 男友伤害了我。提到同一件事,也有另一个朋友会感到很勉强,只是他不像前者的反应,这位显得比较沉默。终于有一次,发生了一些小争执。虽然心里有些难割舍,但是想想,何苦让自己陷在那种万劫不复之中?没完没了的,始终要给它一个完结,毕竟陈腔滥调说一句:旧的不去,新的不来。 


Today’s Mitchell: 虽然有些迟,但是我好像开始有种想让自己成为“一匹好马”的感觉。