Friday, December 31, 2010

Emos 30th Dec


Wednesday, December 29, 2010





Today's Mitchell:谁来让我心里平衡一点啊?

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

First Semester Result

I'm always be satisfied easily.

Don't actually expect what result I'm going to harvest, as this is my first examination in university, in addition, I didn't really put lots of effort in it. Somehow, I'm kind of happy with my overall 3.31, although some course-mates did really well in theirs. I heard that mostly people hardly do well in the first semester, that's why I don't expect much this time. The 3.31 surprised me up! Only my Grammar In Context which is C+, "thanks so much" for the strict single lady. Seems the dessert given didn't really help my mark. Haha.. Senior said, there may be possibility for them to make mistake on releasing the result, hopefully they have some improvement on this.

Lastly, thanks God !! May the Glory always belong to Him~

Today's Mitchell : I'm heading to my dreaming future, at least one little step closer ! *optimistic*

Monday, December 27, 2010

Emos 26th Dec

I rather to be no idea whether he is "single", "in a relationship" or "married", forever. So never let me know, please.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Degenerated 25 Dec Night

First lady's husband reluctant to bear her accompany during her birthday;
Second lady's boy friend chose to join his colleagues during Christmas night;
And hence the third lady who has neither husband nor boy friend, gained accompany from the previous ladies.

First lady felt moody that the husband didn't really pay attention on what she actually expected him to do.
Second lady cried for the whole day as she couldn't understand why the boy friend didn't know to select a better choice from her and colleagues.
Third lady, first time, got the feeling that she was the luckier even though her love left her earliest.

The ladies finally decided to go for a drink, trying to get rid of the loneliness. Complaining, resentful, grumbling, dissatisfied and lastly, comforting. People often getting trouble because of love & relationship, somehow they still daring to approach, and gambling their everything which is actually nothing. They felt they're mighty, perhaps. They thought there's possibility for the man to change himself, maybe. They claimed they're tough enough to bear the outcome, possible. When things don't happen as they expect, nothing much they can do other than crying. It's sympathy to see but can help nothing. Unless you learn your own way to get out of it, nobody can convince you to feel better.

This was my "deteriorated" Christmas night, and I was the third lady.

Today's Mitchell: Seriously, I don't feel lonely these nights.

Friday, December 24, 2010






Today's Mitchell:留着长长的黑发,是等待哪天再出现那个愿意为我吹干头发的人。

Thursday, December 23, 2010



Emos 23rd Dec


Monday, December 20, 2010



与小辈混在一起,我有变年轻的感觉,顺便弥补失去的少团时光。我几天内的举动,甚至是以前在学校里做学生做老师时的样子,我知道对少年人有不小的影 响,所以我小心。感谢主,不需要理由。参与在这个营会,我学的,与少年人或许有些些不同,要知道合时的玩乐时间,要懂得适当的沟通方法,要表现应有的处事 态度,我还有很大的进步空间。



Today's Mitchell:我应该捉紧各个不同形式的学习管道,或许其中我可以听到祂跟我说话的声音。

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Emos 18th Dec


Friday, December 17, 2010

Emos 17th Dec


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Emos 16th Dec


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Emos 15th Dec


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Emos 14th Dec


Monday, December 13, 2010

Emos 13th Dec


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Emos 12th Dec


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Emos 11th Dec


Friday, December 10, 2010

Emos 10th Dec


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Emos 9th Dec






Today's Mitchell: 不要把自己的时间浪费在别人的人生。

Wednesday, December 8, 2010



Emos 8th Dec (2)


Emos 8th Dec


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Emos 7th Dec


Monday, December 6, 2010

Emos 6th Dec


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Emos 5th Dec, 2010


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Emos 4th Dec


Friday, December 3, 2010

Emos 3rd Dec


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Emos 2nd Dec


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Emos 1st Dec


Emos 30th Nov


Saturday, November 27, 2010






Today's Mitchell: 希望他,不要让我再回头。

Sunday, November 21, 2010

We're too talented !!

I'm always having great time every Saturday night, this is fact.

Getting with this group of people make me feel like I'm at home ! Especially the Khoo family & Aunties who prepare well food !!

We had great fun program tonight "talent's night", which many people ran away due to the running out of idea.

We had no idea what we can do since we're just "too talented" !! xD We ended up with Google search, and figured out something really nice, paper-cutting & pareo demostrating. Thanks for the effort of these girls, Ida & Hui Ping, we had lots of fun. They turned up my "laughing engine" after having my long poor "missing-him" day.

Other than us, there're another two groups of fellows had fun together with their singing talent. They sang very well, and brought a lot of laughter. I enjoy fellowship-ing with everyone there. Appreciate God had lead me there tonight. And hence, finally I text him to share. Of course, I didn't get any response from him. He has the right to ignore.

It's exam season, some of them weren't with us

My best teammates

With our beloved Aunty Elisa

Joshua & Caleb, our laughter-makers

Today's Mitchell : Joyful Fellowship is just like a petrol station for my life journey.











Today’s Mitchell:不想留在这里,也不想回家,我要去一个不记得他的地方。

Thursday, November 18, 2010







Sunday, November 14, 2010



容易觉得低落,为什么事而难过,我也说不上来。 就是很难过。问我要怎么快乐起来,我猜我应该找一些让我享受的事来做。什么事,还不知道。不然就不用在这里不快乐了。




Today's Mitchell: 我相信,我只是暂时觉得不快乐。

Saturday, November 13, 2010





Today's Mitchell: 有些部分的改变,我还可以当做新鲜;有些,我觉得是种退步。

Thursday, November 11, 2010


今早,我们把第一科,丢了。这科的教授,真的 很好。昨天临时抱佛脚,到在楼下房间去让senior给我print我的exam slip的时候,senior说,这教授的考题,与往年大同小异,几乎是一模一样。读到不知道要读什么了,我们决定就把往年的考题答案,给它吞一吞!


另一颗,在on FB时,没想到也丢了。他以You have everything and u still young, have a bright future. Come on keep it up...回应What can I do? I need courage,出乎意料。

Today's Mitchell: 不知道timing会允许我的计划吗?

Sunday, November 7, 2010

It's time to start studying !!

I spent whole study week hanging for this & that. Finally the guilt start overwhelming me, and hence I opened up the 449-pages textbooks to do my "cover-to-cover reading" !

Friday, November 5, 2010



在Miri待这么久,Alfesco装修了这么久之后,昨晚我第一次好好的把这地方享受了一下。点了一杯house wine,我和好友两人在高脚椅上把各自近期的故事都拿出来算一算。我很喜欢这个好朋友,form2同班坐在我旁边,现在仍然可以坐在我旁边的朋友。

选择在weekday来这里坐坐,车车大炮, 是最好不过了。Weekday没人,又不吵杂,很能好好放松。出乎意料遇到家里的熟人,还荣幸多了一杯黑狗Drought陪我们过了半个晚上。真的没喝过 这么顺口的黑狗。真的好久没来这些bar lounge。真的是比较prefer这种lounge。真的不知道lounge是不是也会绊倒人?

Today's Mitchell: 偶尔小酌两杯,跟喜欢的人在一起,是一种幸福。

Wednesday, November 3, 2010




秘密,就是不能告知别人的个人动作,个人想 法,又或者个人决定。我想三个我都集齐了。对于自己的事,我从来不喜欢保密。但是不知何时开始,我默默在守着自己的秘密。其实很无奈。因为不知道怎么做, 才可以让自己好过一点。当然,我的秘密不是杀人放火,什么伤天害理的事。没有人可以知道我的秘密,除非。。。没有除非。

Today's Mitchell:有秘密的人,会开始有很多内心故事。我不明白为什么要这么emo。

Monday, November 1, 2010

Grumbling.. grrh..

Why? Because my flight time re-time without informing me! I was actually arrived in Miri by now, if I managed to take the flight at 7.50am I booked! Never know choosing MAS could be end up like this! Frustrated.. About to scold the supervisor, but he was so innocent. Anyhow, waiting for the second flight flying to Miri for today, at 1.05pm. 

Try to look at the brighter side, I got a McD breakfast with RM2 (voucher from MAS to show their apology?), and at least I have my laptop with me to stay online. This is bright.

Today's Mitchell: Be optimistic.

Friday, October 29, 2010



他是我学长,在我还不算懂事的时候,我喜欢他,他不知道。看着一张张幸福笑容的照片,不难想象他有多爱她。因为那是我不曾看过的,他的笑脸。他们的 婚礼很完美。我,感觉,很复杂,不会形容。他是,我最远的故事。但是最深刻,因为那时的我,没有这么复杂,对于那时看起来多么完美的他,也是很单纯的很喜 欢。没有结果,其实是没有开始的,我的初恋。很滑稽的初恋。


Today's Mitchell: 我有很滑稽的感情路。

Thursday, October 28, 2010


知道你期间有了别人,心里为你感到安慰,但不 至于前去恭喜,因为这不像我。现在你反倒突然告诉我你不曾有过别人,还说你一直都在等我,傻瓜才会相信,所以我对于自己还是单身,我间接对你说了谎。是 谎,我说:I prefer to stick with my Brunei boy. 这种拒绝还不够明显吗?我不想夺走你最后的自尊,所以你还是见好就收。原本还以为事情久了,会过;看来你还是没有因为我们这一段,而学成熟一些。原来有时 候,年龄真的不能代表什么。




Today’s Mitchell: 没了爱情的感情,多说,也只会把彼此做朋友的可能性降得更低。

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


真的很轻松!整天完全是自己的时间,说不爽是 骗人的!就跟朋友三四个下KK town去。来KK这么久,终于有一次可以把Centre Point干干净净走一遍,这次要多谢Hui Ping的陪伴。这个Centre Point KK,是很少有本地的华人去逛逛的,多数是“黑黑”的人,到处都是。本地华人说,他们多是在Damai Lintas那些地带晃晃,不爱到town去的。难怪,很难见到华人在那几栋shopping complex。有本地的朋友,建议我们尽量避免到CP那些地方,因为人物比较混杂,social case也比较多。Anyway,今天走了,看了,买了,很满足。

还有,晚上与Pastor James一家共进晚餐。上星期就说好要带我们到一间不起眼,但很dai的咖啡店吃steak。这家店生意好到店主要起租金,不是没有理由,食物便宜,分量又大。又吃又笑,气氛愉快,我很享受这样。

值得一提的 是,这群猪朋狗友在大庭广众之下见到有一辆DBKK经过,反应很多很大,甚至足以让整间店的人的人都发现了我们。DBKK应该是什么Dewan Bandar Kota Kinabalu之类的,我猜想。顺带提一提,DBKK是Pastor James的儿子Jameson给我取的新外号,还有配合招牌动作的。够力!

Today's Mitchell : 我就是爱吃,怎样?

Monday, October 25, 2010

Moo Moo Trip

This is our Moo Moo Trip !!

Everyone, raises your hand up with food!

We enjoy the skywalk pretty much.

People enjoy the scene, do they feel grateful with the scene, as me?

Stunned with the view and forgot what I had for the lunch today.


Trying to be artistic, without pretty heels, comfortable outfit, and beautiful model.

Having great time with these two girls today pleased

Yee Yun & my roommate, Sheena.

These, we’re here for.

Milk packaging, part of my future.

Today's Mitchell: It's great to have nice view, nice people, nice camera and nice God's creations with me today !!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


连续几个星期不是cancel class,就是有其他的function得去,所以我们也好几个星期没见到我们的choir指导了。上个星期恢复正常的上课时间,就收到要 practical考试的消息。开什么玩笑!所谓的practical,其实就是看着歪来歪去的豆芽,把豆芽所要表达的音调,借由喉咙乱七八糟地发出来。 这是没音乐天赋的人在形容的。所以说,我爱考唱歌,是本世纪最扯的谎言。回想刚才出乎意料没有走调,但却因为身边朋友的表现而笑个不停,导致没有把自己的 部分做好,我就有心里不满意的感觉。这次真的是本来有能力,却被自己搞砸,现在只能在这里“不吐不爽”。

仔细想想,在诗班献唱的时候,我的表现又是如 何呢?这不是闹着玩的,要知道,所献的诗歌,是献于那坐在宝座上的圣洁羔羊,所以这更是马虎不得!想起当初,是因为Ah Bong的一句话而有了参加诗班的决心。Ah Bong这个指挥可真是来头不小,要知道要照顾家庭,事奉又得专注全心,是很不简单的,少团有她真是上帝的赐福。记得那时,她到我们的青团给鼓励和教导, 说了一句内容大概是:现在学习的唱诗技巧,是为了预备将来在天上的赞美事奉。这句话在脑子里process了之后,从此就根深蒂固了。尽管当时不是马上就 到美青诗班报到,但圣灵常常都在提醒。成为诗班的一子分,我会不自觉地感到喜乐;无论是美里美青诗班,又或者是在亚庇主恩堂的大专诗班。

Today's Mitchell:期待有一天,微小的我也可以与天使天军同声颂赞主名!

Saturday, October 23, 2010



我是认真地看待我家妹妹的建议,才做这个决定 的。她说:I think you have to make up every day! Try to capture more photos and update your blog and facebook more frequently. Haha.. 就这样我的小Nikon S3000将从此与我如影随形。 RM549的net price + RM5 的service charge,我没有概念小Nikon它贵不贵,但人人都说Karamunsing的最便宜了。这是我爸的sponsor,我很感激。他从不对我碎碎念, 我知道他有多么信任我的独立。Thank you Ba!

我爱摄影,尽管我对摄影一知半解。这就是为什 么我说:我‘爱’摄影。不也很多人谈情说爱,却对爱情一窍不通吗?这里暂且不提爱情这玩意儿。说我爱的摄影。想象自己有能力拥有一部DSLR,想象自己有 能力拍出想表达的故事,想象自己有能力把时间停在醉人的一刻,想象自己有能力留住想留住的一切,摄影就是一种想象,只是表达的方式比较具体。颈项上挂着一 部DSLR的人,通常都会得到比别人多出几分钟的我的注视。甚至,是有能力产生让我想接近他的冲动。朋友问我几时才打算买自己一部DSLR,我开玩笑说: 等我买了下一个LV之后吧。或许,我可以做得到。

Today’s Mitchell: 相机拥有把人带到另一个境界的本事!

Friday, October 22, 2010


洗过澡,能好好静静坐着,是难得的。尤其是在 一整天的奋斗之后。刚刚才把一个presentation办完,而且是在有惊无险的情况之下。今晚的presentation,我知道自己有些出乎意料的 怯场,暗暗地怪自己。在最后一分钟赶到lecture hall,很侥幸地,有一组同学主动提出要先present,才让我们有足够的时间赶到现场,外加几分钟喘气的时间。我知道自己是急性子,所以不喜欢最后 一分钟。以前在家mother日也是常唠叨我做事不要last minute,所以摆脱了last minute的不良嗜好,已经很久了。所以,我陆陆续续在这之前,把我明白的,把我可以写的,都尽量先做,以免焦头烂额。

我们的Ida,朋友们都说她是last minute,她若认第二,没有人够称职做第一。这是不是人家俗称的Procrastination的symptoms,我不知道。但我发现她常常如她 mother所说的:She is always blessed。的确。每每在最后一分钟,她总是能把当天要submit的Geomorphology... Geo asas... Paleo report “生”出来,真好奇她怎么办到的。不过,当然我没那个体力连夜看她怎么办到,因为我已经养成能够开灯睡觉的习惯了。有时候,知道他们Geology的又有 report要做,就会忍不住催促她,她总是一贯地傻笑说:不用怕,我很capable的!我也会一贯地假装叹息:This fellow…Aiyo…



Today’s Mitchell: 朋友啊,下次请别再以最后一分钟的方式来证明你的能干,我快被吓出病来了!


出国读书,坦白说,我最近才敢想,因为我已经 在本地大学就读了。已经在本地大学了,为什么还要想念外国大学呢?到外国读书,无非是想要有更新的体验。以前不敢去想,因为那叫妄想。现在勇敢去想,因为 这叫梦想。梦想我在本地大学考获Bachelor,我或许可以到哪个心仪的国家再来个Master学位。在大学,无论哪一个阶段,读书已不是全部,体验人 生才是需要。


看到身边的朋友一个个出国留学,没有羡慕,只 是嫉妒。给我最大impact的,莫过于曾经最深刻的他,他的鼓励足以影响我前面的计划。也因为出国留学,我一次,两次,深刻体会那种令人在自我里挣扎的 感受,我称它为---不舍。一年前大约这个时候,有个人让我,在与他紧握着手,为他在英国的生活祷告时,泪流不止。现在这个时候,有另一个人让我,在背后 默默,为他将到英国的生活祷告时,百感交集。我猜想,这两个人,应该永远都不会明白我心里有多么连我自己都不会形容的感受。真的,我不会形容。他为自己的 将会多么辉煌的未来而离开,那是件非常美的事,我举手赞成;而感情这种东西,在这个时候就会变得很渺小,甚至廉价。因为没有人敢承诺。就算有,我也不想相信。

Today's Mitchell: 我不相信distant relationship,除非有人有那个本事去证明。

Thursday, October 21, 2010

"It's Complicated"

好复杂的心情!原本不知哪来的好心情,被他一 封text message给毁了!其实也没那么严重,但就是有那么一点小小失落。他说:I think friends are better than couples :)   好几天没他的消息了,怎么这封讯息来得这么突然,差点不知道怎么作出适当的回应。再问,是什么让他这么突然说起这些事,他只是一再强调“我们是好朋友”, 我猜,他也不知道怎么回应。我再猜,他可能有想了好几天了。他道歉,坦白说,让我有火气上来,他在提醒我我的过去,但这也不能全怪他。真的,无可否认,这 个,timing真的很错,错得离谱,错得我自己都觉得荒唐。他很客气,是个有修养的好男生,是我求不来的。就这样,停。

在前后不到一个小时,另外一位先生,还是改叫 大男孩比较贴切,他也来封简讯。真的很简,很一贯的“Hi Dear”。坦白说我不太喜欢男生对谁都dear上darling下的,尤其你们的关系还不至于如此。这个大男生,我还在头疼该怎么拒绝他会比较。。比 较。。比较好(实在想不到要用什么词才能表达)。就说说为什么要给他我的好人卡吧。第一,他不是基督徒,听到“基督徒”这三个字他都会腼腆地笑笑。我曾经 很直接了断地告诉他我只会考虑基督徒(当男朋友),因为最终的目的是要步上红地毯。如果他不认同,我认为无谓浪费他的时间。第二,我们的思想有些差异,我 不希望兜兜转转又回到原点,很累。第三,这个像许第三个生日愿望一样,这第三个原因我想保留。总的来说,还是慢慢,慢慢来,从一段时间的朋友,之后再来慢 慢,慢慢地考量。慢慢来,对于急性子的我,目前是最棒的功课。

再来,还有再来,所以今晚才会这么 complicated!再来的是最历史悠久的,矮矮,娃娃脸的学长。看到他在FB的西装打领带,我还以为他在玩家家酒,错!他在结婚!轰隆隆。。。!亏 小女子我当年还那么痴情纯情,现在学长结婚了,新娘不是我!哈哈哈!不管怎么样,还是贺喜恭喜啦!要执子之手,与子偕老才乖噢!

Today's Mitchell: 尽管知道他将会是很棒的,但是我谨记教训,这次决定不强求,因为上帝会为我做主,祂为我预备的,不是很棒,而是最棒,我相信!

Good Friend ??

Good friend is a nice phrase, but people always misuse it.

Whenever you wanna leave someone, you’ll choose the either of the following to tell him/her: (1) I think is better we become good friend… (2) I wish to be your good friend, as I don’t wanna lost contact with you even we’re no longer getting together… (This was the most incredible xD) (3) I think I’m not good enough, it’ll be better if we’re good friend…
Well, well, well, I’m sick of believing in this kind of lie. No offence. But people, please, don’t misleading the correct meaning of “good friend”, “good friend” is always a positive character. Somehow, people who don’t willing to tell the truth, always apply this phrase as an excuse. 

In my opinion, these seem merciful but actually get the circumstances worse. Or maybe I should have changed my perspective? The one who saying this is trying to get the atmosphere calmer? Am I too aggressive in accepting people’s point which I disagree? Or maybe I never try to use this phrase so I can’t really understand the happening? Again, I wanna emphasize, I’m not offending anyone, only that I haven’t learn not to angry with situation like these, no matter on me or people around. Of course if this happen to me, I’m getting on fire even faster xD 

For me, I think it’s better to make ourselves clear, this is the best for both. Telling the truth isn’t too bad, at least we can learn from the mistake. Knowing the truth can avoid many unnecessary misunderstanding as well as conflicts. Sometime, by getting to know what each other thinks even brings both parties into an even closer relationship. The relationship I mean here no longer refers to the love relationship between man and woman, but some kind of really great friends that nothing can get them apart. I’m always looking forward to have this, truly. This is even precious.

Today’s Mitchell: People have different ways in defining the phrase “good friend”.

Yes ! 进步了

我的roommate说我很会迁就人哦 laughing 才发现原来我又进步了!

Remember, only when I see


Came across my friend Calvin's FB photo album with full of London scenery, it's such a wonderful place if I can have a look there on my own! Calvin seems to have a great time over there, just like he did.

I know I'm going there one day later, just the matter of time. Ever prepared & well-planned everything to go there, but didn't manage to make it in the end, January of 2010. Missed the chance, and missed the relationship. I remembered he said we can go London's Eyes together. I knew it's no longer possible when I saw him in his friend's tag with the background setting of London's Eyes. The relationship ends like the promise. It's nothing to blame on, as there’s no point to go ahead without commitment.

Recall, a friend ever asked me: Since you have so much faith in him, what if he ends this time just like the others did? I remember I smiled, confidently. The ending prove me, I had pretty much faith on the pretty wrong timing. He wish me to let go everything, he wants to be simple. And hence I finally understand, I have to let go, I have no choice but to let go, as he can feel better. Not too bad, I manage to make myself a simple life, with the direction through the words in the Bible. Now only I know how great it feel when I can be free, free from struggling in the sleepless nights.

For the sake of myself, I kept away all photo of him from my sight, never wanna see him coincidentally, a wonderful strategy I made. Somehow he is always in my prayer. This is a pretty beautiful mistake. I remember. And I'll remember to go London's Eyes, too!

Today’s Mitchell: Travel around may help to boost up myself, mentally & physically.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


我们今年二十一二岁,明明很想哭,却还在笑。 明明很在乎,却装作无所谓。 明明很想留下,却坚定的说要离开。 明明很痛苦,却偏偏说自己很幸福。 明明忘不掉,却说已经忘了。 明明放不下,却说他是他,我是我。 明明舍不得,却说我已经受够了。明明说的是违心的假话,却说那是自己的真心话。 明明眼泪都快溢出眼眶,却高昂着头。 明明已经无法挽回,却依旧执着。 明明知道自己很受伤,却说你不必觉得欠我的。 明明这样伪装着很累,却还得依旧..

不是我写的,是FB某个share link看到的,有些认同,又有些些的无奈,还有一点庆幸。认同,因为亲身经历;无奈,因为事实残酷,不如己愿;庆幸,因为不是经历全部以上提到的感受。 其实有些时候,不必把那些负面的情绪看得太重,显得自己好像真的很值得同情。其实有些时候,跳出那时的情绪的框框,就会发现,我们比较幸运,因为有不少的 人生阅历,才会有懂得体会各种感受的能力。若人生平平淡淡,那岂不是太无趣了?

那至高的创造者,无时无刻,随祂己意,都在把 不同的变化,不同的人物,放在我们的人生每个阶段,所以我们是没有选择要不要面对的权力,但至少祂给了我们去面对的能力。要时时知道,祂的意念高过我们 的,我们的智慧远远无法了解祂为何要让这件事,又或那个人出现我们的生命里;但是祂曾应许,祂会给我们足够的能力去面对,祂所允许的困难不会大过我们的能 力。不相信我们自己有那么大的能力吗?那也不能不相信祂有那个能力带领我们度过,因为祂永远比什么都大,都说了,祂是至高的。


Today's Mitchell: 很幸运我过了一关又一关,最后还是回到祂的道;不知道在未来的末后时代,我有没有这个坚定信念,去面对不可测的试炼?


昨天的学校宿舍房间像烤炉,就如方豪在FB写的:I don't think physics textbooks give a clearer definition of "HEAT" than my room does! 昨天下午一直希望可以有大风大雨,今天早上果然刮大风,外加突然的大小雨(不知道算小雨还是大雨,因为一下大,一下又小) 早上上八点的课,心情很爽因为天气很爽。上完了课,风还没止,就决定和忆云到D'Bayu吃午餐(没人规定十点半不可以吃午餐)享受一下大风与看不到海的 海景。D'Bayu是全校唯一可以边吃边看海的cafeteria,由于地点与DKP (Dewan Kuliah Pusat,大家上lecture的地方)很接近,常常是爆满,生意好不兴隆。风大雨大还会"喷雨",“几多凉”,“几爽一下”!吃完回到房间,完全没出 汗,好!那个Ida,睡到这个时候才起来准备要去quick bath!也难怪,天气这么好,又难得整天没课,换成是我,也要给他睡个日上三竿!

开FB是回来房间闲下来,第一件事,习惯。有一个叫Lucas Kong的朋友,也不知道什么时候add他进friend list的,post了东西在我的wall,他说:Gosh! It's been for a long while! How are you Mitchelle? I miss our childhood and neighbourhood! =P Have a Great day! =D  这是什么人来的?第一个反应。看了看他的profile picture,没印象。再看更多更多,再read多几遍他post的childhood & neighbourhood。。。老天!原来是Ah Boy!!真的是几百年前的邻居+朋友!还有Ah Yunn他妹妹她们。。以前是几乎每天都玩在一起的!他变不少,正确来说是人家长大了啦!突然好想念以前做孩子王的日子。。想到以前,还想偷笑呢!

Today's Mitchell: 重遇儿时玩伴原来是这么令人兴奋的事!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


在msn偶遇一个好一阵子没联络的朋友,虽然 很久没好好说话了,但是他一直在我的祷告中,希望我那时撒的种子不要是落在磐石或干戈的沙土上,无亦而终。

我相信上帝会帮助他,但我更相信上帝透过一点一 点的讯息让我知道上帝要继续使用我来帮助他。虽然起初真的有些讨厌他的一些态度,但是看在上帝的份上, 我有义务要把它处理好,这是也是很好让我学习的功课。我不敢说我要在他身上做什么大改变,但是我衷心希望他全家可以信主得救。我原以为因为他对福音没有抗 拒,而觉得向他传福音不是一件难事,但我看到了魔鬼也在工作!在刚才的对话中,得知他近来都在忙,忙得晕头转向,忙到半夜都想回store去继续工作,连星期天安息日他也是忙到晚上。


忙,没有罪; 但忙是魔鬼设计的陷阱,很多人都会不知不觉掉进去的陷阱,功课很多时,考试接近时,刚刚开始新生活,或新工作。。。都曾让我忙到忘了好好灵修,甚至想放弃,很亏欠很亏欠,也很感恩,我挣扎到最后仍然得赦免回到天父的道路和话语。告诉他那是不对的,他有些难接受,这是预料之内。为免让他觉得更心烦,我暂且告诉他,忙是魔鬼让我们离开主的工具,他表示他知道了,但还是要为工作的事再忙一忙。

他说他祷告了,但还没看到上帝的"hint",我只好鼓励他,说信心是:当我们对一件事没有把握时,仍然能相信事情的结局不会太坏。我没办法,只有在今晚的代祷再多加一项,看看接下来还有什么上帝要我做的。当然不是就这样 让他“乱乱来”下去,我啰嗦地提醒了他要在他今晚的祷告向上帝提一提他的困境,虽然我知道他会自动这么做。还是,希望我的恒切祷告会蒙上帝垂听。

Today's Mitchell: 真心希望他全家都能够灵魂得救,因为我曾经很爱他,现在在主里依然爱他。

Monday, October 18, 2010



那天,有个uncle的话,点醒了我,他说“要乘着年轻的时候多多跑跑看看地方,虽然读书重要,但是到处走走学到的东西其实更是多” 我举手赞成!其实一直告诉自己,将来要一年至少要跑一个地方,还希望当时可以颈上挂个Digital Single-Lens Reflex。再贪心一点,希望有个很契合的伴侣与我同行,如果可以。Uncle还提到潜水,我想考个潜水执照!当初选读大学科系的时候,我出乎意料地选 了“Marine Science"为第一志愿,不怕晒黑,不怕下海,豁出去了!就个人认为因为女生有潜水执照是一件很帅的事!最后在上帝的安排之下,与潜水执照擦身而过, 进了Food Technology;现在又开始打那张执照的主意。跟他打听之下,原来价钱与uncle说的差天地!一次两三天就RM1100!恐怕这个计划要hold 一hold了。

来临星期天,将要参加SSMP的Moo Moo Trip,到Kundasang一日游,竟然有些期待!正打算要给自己买个Digital Camera,拍一写照片post在FB和blog。就来临星期五去Karamunsing一趟找相机!好希望明天就可以去看相机了,可是Sanen的Assignment还没做好,今晚明天要尽量做完,星期四才有东西present哪!

Today's Mitchell: 我想我爱上写blog了!

Monday, August 30, 2010

He is nothing, from that day onward

Yes, it's exact as the title, he is no longer the one who deserve to stay on the seat in my heart. What's the main reason ? I can remember very well, until I no need to mention here just to remind myself from time to time, as I'll never forget what he told me that night in the phone. The nasty stuff ! REMEMBER, Mitchell !
Other than that, he make me feel like..he is so far different as the one in my heart. The way he think what I'll think, the way he talk to me, it's just a bit of irritated me ! Somehow, end up he still make me soft-hearted especially when he sounds crying in the phone, maybe I'm just feeling too bad at some of his changes. From another point of perspective, his changes relieved me from everything: I no longer feel hesitate to let go of the relationship; I no longer get any hope on him; I no longer have long waiting; I no longer have sleepless night when he came to my mind..
Other than the changes, I still feel good at him when he know I'm still as understanding him as last time, this made me feel better,at least.
I gonna have a brand new future, with many unknowns & freedom (=

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Don't really like to write blog, now still ending up with expressing my feeling here.

I think it's not a really good one if keep telling people the same things, mentioning the same person who they don't really know. I understand well s that's no point for me to do that, it may even annoy people around me, even him.

It's a complicated feeling to meet him up after one year, things gone more complex because we broke up in the April. This was out of my plan, accident for me, large & affective one. I learn to be calm toward it, nobody understand how loud I wanna cry out, and I never wish anybody know this except him, as I don't wanna have anyone to cry with me for him, especially mama.

But why am I still writing here ? Yes, it's because of my complicated feeling, back to the feeling. I felt so hard, feel hard, feeling hard. I was still hoping we can be as close as last time, even we no long couples, but who can guarantee this ? No one, not even him ! I felt he is so far away from me even he was just sitting right beside me, listening to my recent stories in new uni life. Everything looks so normal in pass-by-ers' eyes, but everything goes wrong in my mind that time. He always do sth out of my plan, especially after the breaking up, truly I don't like things to go like this, really wanna cry, but what for I cry ? He will definitely ask me "Emos, why are u thinking so much. Don't think too much la, ok" Since that, I learn to keep my feeling from him, try to keep, even I really really, feel so much to tell him, like last time used to tell him my ever single stuff running in my mind. Maybe, he really changed, and I still the same, so things go messy in sudden, as I don't manage to handle it before it is overwhelming me.

The morning, 2nd of August, he called me up, out of my expectation, we went for a simple breakfast somewhere nearby as he didn't wanna spend too much time going around, the weather was just too bad too hard for him to withstand. Tolerate with him.

He brought along my bag here to me, I was slightly disappointed to see it. Not the fault of the innocent bag, but blame on the wrong timing. I thought I can meet him up once more because of the innocent bag, but now.. He was still a lovely, he bought me a boxer, little "love-shaped" printed, almost the same as the one I bought for him from Padini. What a cute coincide, which came on the wrong timing again. He asked me to look for another little gift in my bag, a "cross", he bought in Venice, for me. Those were from the past-tense him, not the present tense one. The present tense, I don't even dare to look into his eyes when talking to him, I felt no confidence at all, hope he don't notice this, as I told him "I not dare to look at him", yea, I don't dare because I have no confidence to do so like last time, I don't even manage to make him to stay by my side, what else I can do on him ? From where I can get my confidence to face him ? I know he is definitely not going to feel anything from our past-tense relationship, it was too far away from him, and zero-value for him to recall his relationship between me, I guess..

Anyhow, what do you expect ? Since I've no same identity as last time, even how hard I try. I don't want to see myself to do sth annoy him, but his style really.....

Well, he is no longer the one of you, so what do you expect ?

I feel so troublesome everytime thinking of him, I hope everything can come once again, or at least I can make another decision before things become like this, at least I no need to write here & dropping my precious tears long in front of my laptop, in the stupid hostel, in UMS. What a silly I'm.. I just wanna keep every memory to be precious & meaningful, but why am I so greedy and expect more from him ?

Hopefully he can recover from the sickness of differences weather and temperature btween Malaysia and UK. I'm disappointed on him, but I don't mind to pray for him. And the same,I don't dare to tell him this, too.

Without a conclusion, I'm going to off & sleep, tomorrow gonna wake up for PPIB English class. Good night my love Emos !