Thursday, July 14, 2011







前两个星期,大概是在六月杪、七月头左右的某天傍晚时分,我在放工回家路上看到了一点小事。在等待着交通灯转绿的时候,我看到路旁不知从哪冒出来大概七八 个像是外劳的人,在陆陆续续地越过繁忙的大马路,一个个就在我车身旁很近距离地走过。我当时的第一个反应是转头检查车门上锁了没。但是后来我发现,这些皮 肤黝黑的外劳每人手中都提着大包小包的购物袋,脸上尽是满足的笑容。很显然他们是刚刚发了工资,给家人添粮了。我之所以把这段记得详细,因为他们脸上的笑 容,让我在隔天仍印象深刻。我是不懂满足的艺术,所以不快乐吗?看来外劳们比我更懂这门艺术。他们的生活或许是困苦的,但是却很简单不复杂。这些小插曲, 在我心中有大大的启发。 若真要做到心中可以享有没人能夺去的喜乐,数算恩典,不能仅仅是嘴上说说。

某个团契聚会的晚上,电影会,是某部看过的电影。但是,奇妙的是,再看一次,再一次感动。这是细微的感动,莫大的恩典。我“知道”祂一直在做工,而 且我可以感受到当时的知道,不仅仅是停在理智上的“知道”而已。那种熟悉的感觉,想为身边的非基督徒做点什么的感觉,全回来了。在为他们祷告之前,我需要为自己祷告,专心一致地与神说话。记得有位好朋友说过,她很羡慕我有那种意志起个大早独自安静灵修。至今,在我处于属灵低潮的时候,那仍是莫大的鼓励和肯定。


Tuesday, May 10, 2011


有没有想过 induce-effect 这种事?我是,跟什么人在一起,就变什么样的人。所以你在我身上,其实可以慢慢地看到你自己,因为我发现自己慢慢地越来越像你,开始不像我自己。你怎么对待我,我就怎么对待你。其实当初我不是这样,当初我对待你的方式是,我希望你怎么对我,我就怎么对你。但是过了一些日子,我发现你对我的态度还是那样,我就开始没力了。我在想,是不是要我以你的臭方式对待你,你才会知道我有多难受?好,现在你觉得不好受了,叫我做回我自己。但是你呢?要继续让我难受吗?
其实每次说到这些事情,我们其实可以用正面的角度,positive的角度去看待的。 但是跟你一起
我知道,我们不至于严重到要天分地裂,但是....难道我想正视这点小问题,把它改过来,我做不对了吗? 不要想再回答我说:我没讲过。我知道你没讲过,因为你想都没想过。

Today's Mitchell :感情是需要时间、精神、心思去经营的,如果你不是这样想。我猜我们都做错了决定。

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Brief with Infinity


Today's Mitchell: I'm learning to be carefree toward your careless, I called it "compromise" not "tolerate".

Sunday, May 1, 2011



不说,不代表没有。这不是我的风格。我认为不说就是一种逃避。尤其以后可能还有大把的日子要一起过。 但是我发现你对吵架有很大的抗拒,甚至把它看成是压力,对它超级非常反感。这时候不禁让我疑惑,人家常说小小吵架其实是好的,要不然你怎么知道我在想什么呢?但是,这个陈述句视乎不太管用在我们陈先生身上呢。他好像认为,只要不吵架,什么都好。他说:“我真的很怕相骂。。”不太好的中文程度,还是清楚地表达了他的不喜欢。


Today's Mitchell :我要做我应该要做的,剩下的我会交在祂手中。就像在fb里post的那句status, I ought to pray harder for every single part involves you.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Measuring My Height

It's my birthday night. It's certainly a great day existed to prove us how people around us concern and love us, and also a way for them to show their love and creativity, yeaa, CREATIVITY ! My family and friends tried out all their best and their efforts and these do made my day :)

Some posted on my wall; some called me up to greet me even if he hardly do this (that's my dad!); some wrote something warm for me; some text me oversea... And notable one was, my mom tagged me a birthday greeting video in facebook and she said she tried to learn something new. Awesome! I treasure you guys, absolutely. 

Don't actually wanna record negative matter on this memorable sweet day, but still I think it's better if I could note this here. I suppose you're under stress. I don't expect anything from you for my birthday, as well as your stress. Never know it could bring me down after all. I don't wanna leave any unpleasant memory between us, somehow I suppose there's necessary for me to write it here rather than ignore the problem, else you would never know what's happening. This brought me kind of down, with my tears down too, you got this correct in the phone call. This reminded me the question you asked me this noon:I  just have this assumption that if at this point I do hurt you, you will cry right?

I tend to think non-sense due to the insecure. Stop. No way. I should have look at the brighter side as everyone put so much efforts on me today, I gonna think positively for the sake of my family and friends. I'm kind of "easily-touched" one. And they touched me times today. Still, I have a wonderful 22nd birthday.

And one more, before I forget, Superwoman and Santa Claus aren't fairy tales! lol! 

Noticed this under my blanket in the midnight; from two superwomen, saying this is aiding to rescue my butt !
Two santa ladies granted my unconscious-birthday-wish to have this as birthday present xD
Who are the two Santa Ladies?
Trick and Treat lunch as the birthday celebration
Blow off the candle and your wishes would be granted (either in your bag or under your blanket)
Abby Hui Ping and Mitchell, birthday girls
Yesss, please bear in mind that 22 still we consider them as GIRL.

Mitchell the DBKK


Up up Sarawakian!

Today's Mitchell: "Birthday" is the gift from God which teach me to count on His grace thoughtfully as He will never let me down.

Monday, April 11, 2011


停了好一阵日子,今早因为没水源供应,我无法正常作息去上课,空出了时间在这里写两句。早上的灵修题为:不要回望。金句:保罗写到:“弟兄们,我不 是以为自己已经得着了;我只做一件事,就是忘记背后,努力追求面前的,向着标竿直跑,为要得上帝在基督耶稣里从上面招我来得的奖赏。”(腓三:13-14 节)不短的两句,可是一点也不陌生,之前参加《标竿四十》的活动,常常接触这两句。但是每一次读的时候,都有不同的感触和得着。  

今早就对“忘记背后,努力追求面前”有新的想法。常常我都会把生活的大小事、与家人同学朋友间的相处之道,与所学的,互相做联系;但是对于感情方面,我总是 倾向于“靠自己理智,凭自己感觉”行事。因此我大便吃得还挺不少,因为跌得狗吃屎嘛。。跌跌撞撞之间,多多少少都学会一些基本道理,但是若不回去参考圣 经,恐怕我还得继续吃大便。  


曾经有一位年纪稍长的男性朋友,就提醒了我,叫我把过去都放下。我说我放了,他说我没忘记;他说我怎么还在提他,我说分手了就不能做朋友吗?对!就是这里, 我把人家当朋友,但是人家可不是这么想的,我发现自己连个陌生人都不是了我。这位朋友在我有意无意提到前男友的时候,都会表现得很生气反感,或许他误会前 男友伤害了我。提到同一件事,也有另一个朋友会感到很勉强,只是他不像前者的反应,这位显得比较沉默。终于有一次,发生了一些小争执。虽然心里有些难割舍,但是想想,何苦让自己陷在那种万劫不复之中?没完没了的,始终要给它一个完结,毕竟陈腔滥调说一句:旧的不去,新的不来。 


Today’s Mitchell: 虽然有些迟,但是我好像开始有种想让自己成为“一匹好马”的感觉。

Saturday, March 26, 2011





刚刚从朋友的blog游览了一圈回来,看到了很触我心的几个句子,决定把这一阵子的想念、想法,好好地给它做个记录。最近开始偷偷 地想念爸妈了,这好像是我来这儿读书这么一段日子以来,第一次正视这件事。其实也不是偷偷的想念,只是对他们的感觉,最近特别感性。自从朋友的父亲突然去 世直到最近大大小小的天灾人祸,就对家人,格外地珍惜,只是除了为他们祷告,也不知道我可以做什么。

的确,人越长大,越会 发现对家人,尤其是父母,有说不出的不舍。念着朋友写的给她爸爸摆大寿,不知怎的,眼泪就在框里打转。人生无常,不是我悲观,只是我真的会害怕。看着新 闻,在为世界另一个角落的人祷告的时候,会在想,若那些事是发生在我家,我会怎样;不敢 再继续想下去,只想回家叫妈妈赶快安排什么时候一家去拍张幸福漂亮的全家福。

记得那天接到妈妈的来电,只是打电话来纯聊 天,好像很少有这样。但是我喜欢。妈说她正等着妹妹下班,待会儿要去接她,闲着没事就给我摇了通电话。我说:“哦!是没事做所以才打来kill time的啦。。”她笑了,听得出我在说笑。很短的一通电话,在挂了之后,我很无谓地send了一封message给妈妈,很无谓但是我觉得有价值。我 说:“Thank you la, at least you think of me when you wanna call someone while waiting for CC :)” 出乎意料,她回复:“Of course think of you lah. Bodoh!” 我就知道我这封message有意义。 今早,有小事所以联络了妈妈,临挂电话前,她要我check我的email。开了inbox,原来是要我把假期时间整理出来,email回给她。值得我珍惜的部分,我想copy paste记在这里。管他奇怪不奇怪。
dear girl, pls send yr school holiday time-table when u re free to do so. I brought yr sister to SUPP there, after all, the man said he can help to appeal to get into Matri if we fail to get it ourselves. 100% sure, with cc good result. god bless. he mentioned the water problem at Matri is already solved. bye. god bless u dear. 

Today's Mitchell :我感觉,想念家人就像谈恋爱的那种sweet。特别我要谢谢妈妈。

Sunday, March 20, 2011

APK Semester II for 2011

Well this isn't my APK, yet I start enjoying the process of preparation with my friends who having theirs this semester. APK stands for Asas Pembudayaan Keusahawanan, which is a course that we gonna apply some technique, creative and innovative (I suppose) to market our products. We can choose any product to sell as long as it's something related to our own profession.

Here my friends, who are from International Business (IB) and another one from Entrepreneurship. The one who is doing IB are going to sell her "luggage tags" during the APK while another of our businesswomen is doing "fancy hair clips" for hers. Not to miss the fancy pretty stuffs I loved, I did some support by purchasing as well as DIY with them. Spent my whole morning which I should have working on my lab reports instead of these fancy stuffs. Somehow I found I enjoyed it. Not to forget, I got 3 clips for my sister and cousins; 3 to 4 luggage tags which I think I'm not going to use it as luggage tag as they're too fragile, I rather keep them for some other purposes. 

Today's Mitchell: DIY for little fancy stuffs made my day :)

Saturday, March 19, 2011


I'm a simple person, even if there were people saying that I was "thinking too much", still I can concluded that I'm actually a simple one, as comparing to lots of people out there. Maybe this is my personality, my character, or maybe there's some factors triggering.

Firstly, I'm sometime an emotional one, so-called "emo" person. However, I can still handle the emo feeling in myself when it's trying to overwhelm me. Maybe I ain't a high EQ one, but now at least I noticed I have EQ, not really low one. Other than emo, anger is also a part of EQ management as my "homework". I'm doing hard on it, hoping there's anyone can notice and experience the benefit of my change.

Everyone has own problems to face. Or maybe some people prefer not to face it. I found myself always like to get a solution rather than hiding away from the problems, even though sometime really hope to do that. In fact, problem doesn't go away if we ignore it. It will definitely drag you back one day later and maybe double the suffer. So I never like to be the doggie named "courage" in Cartoon Network as it's too tiresome to meet and ignore problem comes one after another, instead I tend to find my way out.

When I couldn't figure out on my own, and also seek no help from the others, I would finally back to Him. He is always larger than my problem, I told myself. One thing that I felt bad is, I always seek for Him only after trying other ways until no way. He should have be the first solution in my list ! Well, back to the previous part, even if I have not much faith, sometime, I will try my best to convince myself as I know I can find no way out other than Him the creator. Maybe there's someone out there is disagree or even laughing at my genuine, it's always better than he/she never hear about Him from me.

Today's Mitchell: My Lord, please bless me wisdom and genuine to overcome the complexity of this world. I would like to be strong with the strength from You, and then You can use my hand to do Your work.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Parables of the King

Went to Sunday service in Community Baptist Church (CBC), I found there’s another lovely thing I like about this church. Pastor prepared his photocopied script that everyone can have one in our hand. While listening to his preaching, we’re required to “fill-in-the-blank”. This is definitely an interesting way of listening and paying attention to the teaching. Take your time to read this and you'll be blessing :)

The title for today’s sermon is “The Parables of the King Part 1” from Matthew Chapter 13, verse 1-58. Let’s define “Parable”. About the same as I looked through the dictionary in my phone, pastor gave definition of “Parable”----A parable is an earthly story used to illustrate heavenly (spiritual) truth.

Some parables were recorded in the bible, and I suppose pastor is going to explain one by one in the following weeks. I’m looking forward for it as I didn’t used to have such an easy-to-understand sermon when I was in my own church in Miri. Even though I ever heard about this part of bible and understand it before this. His preaching was still attractive for me. And I managed to learn again from the same story. 

The first part I gonna mention here is “The Parable of the Sower”. The story begin like this: “A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Some fell on rocky places, where it didn’t have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop…” (Quoted from Chap 13 Verse 3 to 8)

The story mentioned above is about some responses of people when they received or heard about Jesus Christ or gospel. The seed is presented as the Word of God. The sower is one who shares God’s word. The soil represents the Human heart. Basically there are 4 hearts which means 4 types of responses given.
(1) The Hard Heart – Pathway Soil represents those who hear and does not understand it or rather does not let it sink into their heart. Some of this type of people had already made up their mind that they are not going to be affected by the content of sermon before entering the church. Exaggeratedly I said there may be even some are sitting there looking for grammatical error that the pastor made throughout the preaching.
(2) The Shallow Heart – Rocky Soil represents people with “shallow heart” who joyful receive the Good News of the gospel because of the promise offered. They understand some of the basics but do not allow God’s Word to be rooted in their hearts and make a difference in their lives.
(3) The Crowded Heart – Thorny Soil represents those with “crowded heart” who hears and accepts the Good News, giving hope of a harvest. But thorns grow up and “crowded” and choked the growing seed. The “thorns” here refers to the worldly worries and false sense of security brought on by the materialistic wealth and then crowded the hearts and distracted many believers “choking” them and making them unfruitful.
(4) The Fruitful Heart – Good Soil represents those with “fruitful heart” who hears and understands the Word; then rooted in the Word and bear fruit, i.e. “produces a crop…”
God’s Word can produce different kinds of spiritual fruit in the lives of believers, for instances, Winning souls to Christ; Christian character; Practical holiness; Good works; Sharing needs and blessings others.

From the 4 types mentioned before, I think I gonna admit that I’m so limited and imperfect as I used to be the (3) type of person. Usually when a lot of worldly troubles start overwhelming me, I lost my mind. I shouldn’t have become like this as I have the responsibility to behave myself. So which type you think you are?

Today’s Mitchell: The sermon gave impact to me, and I wish I can record every part and hence able to keep reminding myself about my role.

Friday, March 11, 2011

“Unfortunate is always odorless” 2

Unfortunate is really hard to get over, for me.

I'm home for these 3 days 2 nights, and after fulfilling the main purpose that I came home this time, I got to pay some friends a visit. And this was definitely a really heavy heart and deep-mediating day for me.

After leaving brother to his school, I went to look for my girl friend as my accompany to visit another friend who lost his father few days ago, as I mentioned previously in "Unfortunate is always odorless". As I know, his mother was a sweet one who liked to spend time with her husband and son. This is absolutely a great loss for her and I guess I know how bad she feel. Staring at the calm face, the father who lying in the "freezer" before they get him a coffin, I hardly hold my tears. Felt sour.

After spending around one hour with him, we went for another friend, whose I mentioned before too, both admitted to the hospital. A bless in the unlucky, the wife (my friend) and children were safe. God bless them. However, the husband hurt badly, really bad. He was admitted in the ICU until today only he can be considered as out-of-danger. He smiled at us when I walked to him. Approaching him, I showed my concern. He answered me: " I'll be strong, I was brave, I tried hard to protect my wife and kids... I'm strong.. I used my hand to defend them, my thumb was chopped off.." while talking he raised his right hand up. I hold him as a response. He continue: "I'll be strengthen... But...I loss my leg.." while talking this, he hold his left leg. My tears were rolling down, non-stop, and I didnt wanna stop it. I didnt know what should I say. I only know to wipe my tear and the tears came out again and wiped again. His tears came after mine, and the wife as well as my friend who came along. I wiped mine and wiped his. I could only answer him: "I'll pray for you, I'll pray for you, you're really a brave man.." No doubt, he need a lot of courage to accept everything. But not too bad, the loyalty lovely wife never left him alone. This is love, I defined.

Today's Mitchell: It's a heavy day but I'll bear them in my prayer.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

“Unfortunate is always odorless”

It’s complicated. And I picked “Unfortunate is always odorless” as my title as I directly translated it from Bahasa Melayu. This idiom was what we usually used in essay writing during primary school, i.e. “Malang tidak berbau”. Yes, and I always feeling uneasy toward this phase.

Received a shocking bad news in the early morning when I was surfing around with my facebook. A friend pop out from the chat box, wonder so early this fellow online, supposing he was arrived earlier in the office. In few sentences of time, I was informed that he lost his father this morning. What!? I really can’t believe this! That’s the first response I gave him. After some elaborations, I finally got him. I ever met his father last year when we went to his house. I’m so sorry to you, my friend. I don’t know what I can do for you, other than saying sorry. Maybe you’re right; you said you’re glad to know your dad is now in the Heaven, with our Father. Deepest condolences for the family, hopefully his mother can be strong. Rest peace in Father’s arm, uncle.

Here came another terrified breaking news from a phone call, dragged my appetite for my lunch. My friend and her husband were admitted to the hospital due to some social cases. I wasn’t really sure what’s going on, but I definitely felt bad the moment I heard that she harmed badly, and the husband was even worse. I kept saying prayer every moment when this came to my mind. Hoping I know what I can do for her, too. 

Today’s Mitchell: Heavenly Father, please do bless them what they need now. And bless my family every second.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Great Metaphor to Share

有时候 找到的不是想要的
有时候 被找到的一点也不想被找到
有时候 却没人发现那个想被找到的

I read this when I came across my best friend's blog, and I like it so much. Like it, share it, my principle of life. And here I'm trying to translate into simple English (or maybe French in the future, haha...) as I wouldn't like my friends who can't read Chinese to miss out this. You know who you are :)

Feeling is just like Hide-and-Seek the game we played
Sometime, we found the one we never want
Sometime, the one who never like to be found somehow been found
Sometime, nobody find out the one who hoping so much to been found
And then we start to wonder
Why didn't I hide somewhere easier to be found?
Why didn't I hide myself properly so nobody can find me?

Today's Mitchell : Which role I'm now playing in the Hide-and-Seek ?

Thursday, March 3, 2011





Today’s Mitchell: 虽然我不怕在公共场合公开做谢饭祷告,但有时候只顾着说话,就忘了最重要饭前要祷告!太不应该 =p