Monday, January 31, 2011

Need Somebody

Do you ever feel lonely even though there were lots of people getting around you? Have you ever feel unsatisfied even if you're in the crowd? Do you ever wonder what make you feel that way? I do, lately.

I've no idea whether this is so-called "emo" or "spending too much on thinking non-sense". Neither I would like to know I am. Both sound pessimistic, gloomy, down side, and WEAK. Supposing nobody like to be weak. I understand how bad it feel and hence I try to respect someone when he/she need an ear, I'm always willing to be a listener. However, when things go another way round, nobody is willing to stop by, and it's just building castle in the air to have their ear for me.

Everything happens with reason. It's so doubt to figure out what make people feel depress in the deep-in-me. Used to be an optimistic and always showing brighter side, I failed to handle my darker part. Is that a part of my fault? Or there is someone who need to responsible for it? Hoping it's something to do with my own as it's easier to be settled rather than rely on some other.

Perhaps I need somebody to accompany at my side, just for me, for my priority. Who willing to do that? 

Today's Mitchell : Everyone around seems to be accustomed to my absence, and eventually don't need me ?

Saturday, January 29, 2011

My Identity

Well, before starting this, I gonna admit I'm in bad mood now. To express, or to complain, whatever. My anger need a way out !

I really cant take it anymore ! I noticed this since last year and I ain't really can compromise with it. Almost everyone around me just treat me as I'm a "remaining" "多余" one, somehow even a burden! Ohh crap. Not to mention my family...they're part of it ! I cant believed this ! I thought no matter how lousy outsider can be, family is always our shelter, obviously, I'm just too simple on this.

Maybe it's true, people nowadays only mind on their own business, this is nothing wrong  with it. I shouldn't have expect too much from other, even I can't bear with myself moreover the other. What the H*ll I'm expecting to ?

There's nobody even wanna spend time with you, or maybe just to lend you an ear. This is a wastage for them I suppose. You treat people in the way you think it should be, somehow it doesn't mean they gonna treat you in that manner. Their thinking logic are so much different, or I should have say, my thinking logic is so much different with the others. I never expect people to treat me nice but at least, respect me. Crap.

Well, you gusy don't really need to tell me, I can strongly feel that. You guys don't even bother to have me. It's doesn't really matter even though I do feel bad about it. Maybe getting one to walk with you is just a fairy tale. I should have to be independent, I mean bear with the loneliness in the crowded and party.

Today's Mitchell : Hanging around with people, party in the crowded, doesn't mean I'm not lonely.

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Married Man

We met in the club for few times since years ago, before we managed to have some conversations. I knew him as he's my cousin's buddy. He used to be our senior in the high school, as well as the brother of my classmate. He is married, coming along with child who is about to be 3 years old now. This is complicated, but nothing to do with me. Just wanna talk about him to have an idea for my writing.

I'm not a really old-fashioned thinking one, somehow I hardly can compromise with his behavior. He loves to hang around with ladies, in an undoubtedly close manner, doesn't matter that's gonna annoy his wife or not. Or maybe I should have use the word "flirt". He said he has bundles of girlfriends and they know the existence of one another. *sounds crap*

I suppose the wife is a really broad-minded one, or maybe she has no choice. A lady friend told me, he is never gonna talk anything bad about the wife no matter how hard he plays. Fairly true, he said he is always be home after hours of clubbing moment with ladies, and he loves his wife most. I wonder what kind of love this is. *ridiculous*

I ever spent time with a lady who went through the trough time, whose husband played infidelities with different ladies frequently. These affairs totally wore her out, brought her too much anxiety, exhaust and eventually bored toward relationship and family. Overwhelming turned into flustering and exasperating, then revenge, and lastly take it reluctantly. This is also complicated, indeed.

Anyhow, he is an interesting and awesome one to hang with, undeniable. Maybe that's the point he manages to get those ladies to spend time with him. I'm not going to agree to be "one of his girlfriends", I don't have the freaky peculiarity toward someone's husband.

Today's Mitchell : I don't think I can bear with this kind of jerk, neither boyfriend nor husband. But a game. *wink*

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hi ! Blogger

I own this account since years ago, it's abandoned after signed up. Sorry baby I'm turning back now, with conditions. *realistic*

There are much more friends using Blogger, and hence it's much convenient for me to switch here instead of Xanga. There is no emoticon application here, this demerits Blogger. But it's still just nice one.  I suppose it's easier to handle, and I know there are abundant for me to discover ahead. Maybe gonna consult some Blogger users then. *looking forward*

Blogging is a way to express myself, especially when I have no one available to listen to me. It means to be my babe diary. I mumble here; throw my crap here; show my happiness here; complain those bast*rd and b*tch who pass-by; record my feeling; share my opinion; post my shoutout; and kill my boring afternoons as well as sleepless nights. How lovely important it means to me.

I'm halfway doing editing of my previous post, intents to move everything here from Xanga. And most probably gonna dump my beloved Xanga. New one can never come if the old one stays. These require some effort mann..

Today's Mitchell : Nothing wrong to do with either Xanga or Blogger, it's just the matter of habit and usage depends on different users. They reserve their values *smile*

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


他不是情圣,要不然我不屑提他。他是朋友口中的“爆炸头”,虽然他的头发并不爆炸。他是我的同班同学,很大很大的那种班。我们在课堂上,几乎不曾交谈。应该是只有一次,我上前去提醒他:等下要记得带student card喔。


之后应该是没什么特别的事了,至少我印象中是没有。后来陆陆续续与他都有一些些接触,比如,在外边遇到他,不约而同一起午餐(其实是他自己突然不知道从哪里pop出来);还有,一次是自己approach他,请教他在KK哪里可以找到car accessories店;一直到后来在facebook和blogspot才有比较多的接触,慢慢可以摸索他的个性。是个有点想法的男生。

那天,不知道哪里来的主意,竟然会找他陪我去看“笑着回家”。我想他应该会喜欢看这类的电影,所以找他作伴不会太错。后来听朋友说,一个男生,一个女生,两人单独出去难道没有火花吗?坦白说,我是没感觉到什么火什么花。只是他当天晚上肯定会是我FB status的一部分。




Today’s Mitchell:萧,看到没有?这篇有没有是你想读到的我的blog?

Monday, January 24, 2011




记得当初会两边跑,是因为浸信会让我在异乡,有家的感觉,很舒服很有归属感,只是他们的上课研经比较没有主恩堂来得多。而主恩堂属卫理公会,与我原 本堂会属同一个宗派。所以,我才会,星期六聚会在浸信会;星期天主日崇拜在主恩堂。但是最近听说浸信会将会有一系列的活动,如研经,装备等,我期待。


Today’s Mitchell:我心里做了选择。无论是去哪里,我知道我还是我,也清楚祂就是祂,我爱的是独一的祂。

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Emos 22rd Jan


Friday, January 21, 2011



原本听到今晚有replacement class,就从昨天就开始不是很开心了,因为晚上上课确实有点麻烦,尤其是交通问题。我有车,其实应该是要比别人开心,但是,为了担心晚上课后回来,要 找parking space,头就隐隐作痛。好不容易,终于下定决心不要再为这种小事烦恼,就干脆驾车出去上课,晚上回来就把车停在山上,走下去算了。皮痒,把车开到最接 近房间的parking area,赫然发现有空的停车位!Dilemma来了,这么优的车位,今晚离开了真的很不甘。再改变主意,今晚不开车,跟巴士就跟巴士!



Lecture hall air-cond太冷,是教授让我们提早十五分钟下课的理由。很好。接下来就是要挤巴士!今晚Kampung AB的driver竟然愿意把我们大家送回Kampung E,真是天塌下来给我们盖被!感恩事件,四。浩浩荡荡SSMP的同学把巴士挤满满。后来上车的我,偶遇好人,把两人的座位,让出来,三人坐。这里小妹要谢 谢两位美女大侠的“拔刀相助”啦!感恩事件,五。
回到Kampung E cafeteria,没有一如往常,我留在那里晃了晃。遇到朋友,还车了车大炮,喝了一杯珍珠奶茶,收到室友的“怎么还没回拉”的讯息了才回房。心情真的好很多。感恩事件,六和七。


Today’s Mitchell:  喜乐的时候会感恩,感恩的时候会喜乐。

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Who Care~


之前因为一些大小琐碎事,就慢慢得知身边一些朋友的脾性和习惯,所以与他们都是保持着安全距离。但最近(可能对方逼于无奈),该来的还是来了。为了什么事情,在这里不是重点,只是谈钱伤感情,尤其是遇到特别特别抠门又比较崇尚“人不为己,天诛地灭”的对象,所以隐隐我闻到火药。我的立场其实很明显很容易选择,但是知道自己的脾性,我要自己保持中庸(不知道做不做得到),或许这样可以减低对彼此的伤害。但是,这让与我站在同一方的朋友受委屈了,实在对不起她。她会渐渐感受到我的无所谓态度,我看起来no concern,其实是不希望做出上帝不喜悦的决定(不管你看了信不信),我故意要自己把这件事看得很简单,很容易处理,就是不想因为小事大家翻脸决裂。我吸取之前几段友谊的教训了。我知道依我的个性,其实大声大气,强词夺理,甚至让对方无地自容,绝对不是在我能力范围之外的事。尽管如此,我说服自己还是别那样做了。


Today's Mitchell:接下来如果真的搬在一起住,还有很多好受的呢!


朋友说,他发现我专爱挑一些outgoing and never wanna settle down的男人来喜欢,此话既出,必有其因。我愿意好好探讨一下,毕竟也有些时间没有update我的blog了。以前考试写essay的时候,通常是挑 一些关键字来define,做为故事的开头。

Outgoing,就是喜欢往外跑。另一个说法,可能就是因为交友广阔,个性开朗好动,这与我自己有几分相似。重点来了,就因为朋友太多,好玩的事 也多不胜数,试问又有谁愿意停下脚步呢?(或者,不必停下脚步,与我同行也可以,但也得看他们愿不愿意)严格上来说是,谁愿意为我放弃自由呢?跟我在一 起,我要的不是人常常在我左右,而是心里常常有我。这叫commitment,很多人听了都怕的东西。

Never willing to settle down,其实与前者有些关联。我所认识到的这类男人,在年龄上来说,其实普遍上不是已经被迫成家,就是名草有主,但为何在我遇到他们的时候,他们仍然是 单身一个?原因:他们不想要那样(成家或有主)。既然他们早已坚持自己的一套,试问,又怎会为了我,而改变自己的坚持呢?依我看,这类男人到后来极可能会 闪电结婚,其原因就“对号入座”一下就知道。多么“可歌可泣”的“爱情”!毕竟,现在也还没先进到有几个男人能成功一辈子不结婚。


Today's Mitchell:让我们在一起的原因,就是让我们分开的理由。可能我身上找不到让他们说服自己不自私的充分理由。


Friday, January 14, 2011

Finally...! Pheww~~

It's been quite a while not contacting him, even text him, he always treated me as usual. I was sick of him.. Until now I've becoming numb already. What inspired me to mention him again? Well, let's start it from Dave, he reminded me sth. He said that's no point to stay ahead for him, he was so much disagreed with me to mention "him". And the next day I met "him" online, he didn't even bother to say "hi" when I approached.

This was the second time he pissed me off, seriously. Well, I have no idea what to do next, and I don't think there is anything else I need to do, too. He was rather concerned about the others, even tends to fly to KL for "ling ma" (I suppose she is an aunty who mean alot for him, in KK), to emphasize, he told me he is REALLY BUSY. Now I really get what he meant, even it's a little bit lag slow. Mitchell is such a Miss Lagging ! Hmm..!

By the way, he is nothing, just like what he expected me to do. Time flies, he changed, and I changed, too. Hopefully, I'm really gonna be myself then. NOT TO GO BACK TO THIS SITUATION ANYMORE, it was terribly sick. I told myself.

This is a passage to warn myself, bear it on mind, Mitchell !

Today's Mitchell: How great this feeling is ! I'm free, and enjoyable indeed.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I'm back, again

In fact, I felt remorse for my kept-changing-mind. Although it is known that His mercy would never vary with my behaviors, I knew I couldn't always take advantages. Punishments definitely are there.

I got to know my strength of spiritual life is getting brittle, and it's so little to be seen now. Always, fail.

Somehow thanks God, I'll still seeking Him in the end no matter how, as I've no way to go...

Today's Mitchell: Lord please bear me, bear me, I know I'm unworthy. I hope to hear from You when I'm still conscious, this is sincere. In Jesus's name, Amen.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Come on, Motive !!

Not sure whether he can be the one or not, but he keep coming on my mind these days. I cant sense anything from him, or maybe it's still unfamiliar for us, aren't we? I'm always expecting a clear answer. Met Adam in fb who lead me to think more on it. He pointed me out that I tends to..slightly...erm toward Bruneian guy.

I'm not that type of sitting there and wait, wait, wait, I need to do something or else just call it off. Somehow I don't have any motive to do that, well, maybe Adam is right, I'm requesting a clear answer which guys hardly can give. Sigh.. Irresolute !

Today's Mitchell: What's that so hard to have a simple partner to travel on with me when time flies ?


没想过要放弃,但是希望在他有更多变化之前放弃,这样我将来有天就不必痛哭失声。尽管如此,仍然自己盲目地两边在拉扯,毕竟,没人明确表示过什么。 可能他其实没考虑过我。无可否认,他是他,他是他,他们并没有什么相同,我其实也没必要找出他们的共同点。只是,为何开始会背着他,在偷偷想他呢?我觉得 这不算背叛,但也不是什么见得光的事。竟然会开始偷偷地考虑他!虽然他根本没什么把我放在心上。是太急吗?还是他真的也不错?还是我在害怕什么?这不是急 的事,我还能顺其自然,但是,能这样多久呢?我不是个有耐心的人,除非他把信心还给我。

Today's Mitchell: 该怎么做,才对?是不是前面就已经决定事情在后面应该怎么发展吗?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Emos 4th Jan


Tuesday, January 4, 2011




时时有朋友在身边,真的很好。这次回来,认识了好些人,遇到了不少事。但是回想起来,如果现在还有他陪着,我想我的假期会比更有意义。不是一个很喜 欢活在过去的人,好几次很想放弃他了,真的。但是心里就是有莫名的执著。执著他的曾经。翻阅尘封的简讯和email,原来我不记得他其实也是很甜美的。独有的甜美。

Today's Mitchell: 我不是还不够潇洒,只是。。。换个说法,我想从另一个人身上找到那种,那个感觉。